Montreal Hash House Harriers (MH3) Banner. HHH
Welcome to the Links Page of the Montreal Hash House Harriers (MH3)!
E-mail [email protected] with any questions, comments or for misinformation.  On On!
Montreal Hash House Harriers (MH3) MooseHead HHH Logo.
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Hashing Explained
WTF is Hashing?
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Hash Songs

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The Half-Mind Catalog
Global Trash
Interhash 2010
Hashes near us:
    Halve Mein HHH (NY)
    Toronto HHH
    Ottawa HHH
    Oakville HHH
    Boston HHH
    Burlington HHH

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Presenting the Montreal HHH Mismanagement Committee, in no particular order of impotence:

- Grand Master Emeritus -
Dead Animal

- Grand Masters and Mistresses -
Krystal T*ts; Boner; Steaming Dumps

- Religious Advisor -
2 Arms, 1 Cup

- Hash Cash -
Draggin' Her Ass

- Hash Haberdashery -
Draggin' Her Ass

- Hare Raiser -
Krystal T*ts

- Hash Spammer -

Web Wanker
Cum On Pecker