Hash Trash

St. Patrick's Day Hash

run #339
The Saint-Patrick's Day R*n

Location: In and around the St-Patrick’s day parade, St-Catherine st.
hares: Phone Sex’s virgin lay, KrYstal Tits assisting
time: hashtime

hounds: Eager Beaver, PVC, Dingo Dave, Just Dee, Dead Animal, Cling On, Poler Bare, Pop-a-Weenie, OAP, Brillo, Abbot, Skinflint, Turkish Delight, Mustapha Kunt, LOB, 6’of’9, Duan Duan, Just Yan, brief cameo by Witchy and Penguin.

The trail: What trail??? As coach to the virgin hare, KrYstal Tits made several green (and orange and white) mistakes. The markings were a hodgepodge of confusion and disorderliness. The poor hounds were scurrying from one orange carrot marking to some white flour to some green chalk (at least the St-Patrick’s day theme was respected). And then there was the case of the missing back check. The hare looked confused and perplexed at its complete and total disappearance. Dumbfounded. Or just plain Dumb.  In any case, the r*nners did eventually make the St-Patrick’s Basilica Jameson’s Irish Whisky and musical interlude stop. After that it was on up through what was left of the parade.

Down downs: to the background music of U2 and the Cranberries, Abbot and Turkish Delight entertained the troops and awarded some green beer to various sinners and low-down dirty wankers.
Returnees, visitors from China (Duan Duan and Yan), OAP for his 69th r*n, Poler Bare for best-dressed female (thanks on behalf of the guys for showing that matching silky green underwear set), Mustapha Kunt for best dressed male (the fix is in!), KrYstal Tits, Phone Sex and 6’of’9 for hosting or haring, PVC and Brillo for sharing way too much of their personal thermometer stories, LOB for being a whiny bastard, Eager Beaver for impersonating Van Gogh (thanks for flashing us your nipple piercings).

Song of the Day, in honour of those brave hashers who ventured into the bars of Montreal on St-Paddy’s day, (to the tune of When Irish Eyes Are Smiling):
When Irish guys start smiling,
You could be in trouble big.
Irish eyes don't hide a child inside,
They hide an inner pig.
If he's laughing and he's leering,
Get your Rosary out and pray,
'Cause when Irish guys are horny,
Sure they'll peel your pants away. 

on on Albino Pussy, aka Gulp

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