Hash Trash - Run #285

Hudson, Sunday, April 7th 2002 @ 1 PM 
Hares: LOB and WOB (Life of Brian/Wife of Brian)


Sunday, April, 7th, 1.00
Sugaring off Hash at La Cabane à l'eau d'érable, Mirabel.
Hash trash by Speed Hump, stand-in scribe

Hares : WOB and LOB

Hounds : Abbott, Dead Animal, Double Fisted, Eager Beaver, Eat Me, Easy Ride, Flipper, Foul Balls, Foxy Lady, Plastic Jesus, Pop-a-weeny, Skinflint, Speed Hump, TFU, Witchy, Isabelle, Kennedy, Rosie.

"Au Diable Vauvert" could be the name of this Sugar Shack, means that you always think that you will never reach it, after all the highways of the area have been used and crossed to get there. Then, some could never have reached it, really, and, even TFU, who sent the directions (with a wrong hour), by the way, was waiting next door, being rescued by Witchy. 

The weather was quite mild, sunny, there was less snow then last year, but as much mud and swamps in the woods then ever. Starting was blown around 1.20, summer time, with a fool wearing shorts, and another one with a Looney Tunes-like watch... 

A bit confused at the beginning, we finally found the trail across the blue maple striped woods, avoiding beheading many times, tasting here and there some light mapple water, which let you terribly thirsty for the rest of the run, waiting
for the redemptive golden liquid

A few check backs, false trails and plop-plops in the swamps after, not really running because of the heavy soils and soles, scratches on fool's naked legs, passed by a late cummer FRB, we headed back to La Cabane à l'eau d'érable.

Then, SACRILEGE, no beer was available for immediate consumption by
thirsty runners (remember the maple water...). But LOB van was full of it, but the van was locked, and LOB was still on his way back, leading the walkers... 

Poor Dead Animal was prostrated. Eventually LOB arrived and freed the beer, rescueing DA. A short circle followed (we were late, as ever). Down-downs were given - to the Hares (trail too dry, not enough shiggy, not enough shredded
carrots-8 pounds were a bit short), - to Foul Ball for his first running run (en Français, s'il-vous-plait,
par Abbott, looks that the Hash is really becoming bi-lingual...),
- to returnees,
- for lost property (but I can't remember WWOB's tits or song, by the way),

Speedy Religious Advisor made a short speech also, but I can't remember what about, since I was litteraly hypnotised
by his new Looney-Tune-Cartier or was it Hermes-like watch. After the short circle, then, we rushed in for the intravenous maple syrup supper : let's say, pickles, homemade bread and creton, pea soup, beans, omelette, roasted ham, "oreilles de crisse", roasted potatoes, sausages, unemployed pudding (pouding au chomeur just loses something in translation no?-ed) , pancakes, sugar pie, generously spread with maple syrup... and LOB coffee. Ouf...

Question :  How many calories do you think we lost by running as we did Sunday afternoon ?
Answer :  Without entering an experts quarrel, let's say : 150..
Question   How many calories do you think we gained with the intravenous supper

Speed Hump