Hash Trash - Run #71

Run #71

The Rainy Day Hash

Date: Sunday June 7. 1998

Hares: Foxy, Glyn


Turkish Delight, Dead Animal, Foxy, Numbskull, Mustapha Kunt, Prior F*ck, Zebedee, Pacemaker, Wahiba, Andrea, Brady and Ilze,

The Trail:

It was a wet and miserable day, however three weeks of rain was not enough to stop our merry pack of hashers. A damp group of 9 brave hashers turned up at 1:00PM to voyage through the mosquito-laced swamps of Pierrefonds. The course was grueling and led us through hidden West Island Streets, through the magical religious gatherings of the Indian Sub-Continent and beautiful but never before seen trails of the Bois de Liesse forests. This included the dangerous hanging Japanese Bridges over whose sides many before us have perished, and the terrifying grassy fields full of bone-breaking Groundhog holes.


Olav Traa (who will be forever known as Lavatory), was pulled from his Pierrefonds abode by passing hashers known to him and completed his virgin hash in record time and good spirits. He participated enthusiastically in the drink and song that followed, and was returned home soon afterwards complaining only of a mild headache and collateral damages to his ribs and neck.

Other newcomers included Brady and. Ilze thoroughly enjoyed her first hash and left determined to try to get her Vancouver Orienteering Club drunk and teach them Father Abraham.

Glyn and Foxy were feted for their well set course, this being Glyn's first try at the setting the trail, and an excellent trail it was.

Mustapha and Turkish D. were toasted for the signing of their new Condo. Not only is their new abode within spittle shot of their previous residence, but this may mark the first time the young couple has moved within the same time zone! Does this mean Montreal is fast becoming the Home Hash for this athletic duo? Only time will tell.

Zebedee and Pacemaker got the down-downs for their tardiness.

Wahiba got into a fight with the DA over her alleged Syrian One-Finger-Salute. This cost her two down downs, the second one in the form of a hair conditioner.

Knumbskull received also received a down down and the Knumbskull, but nobody remembers why.

The Shit was forgotten again.

On on!